- A Allow the embryo to become human and give it up for adoption.
- B Allow the embryo to become human and keep it.
- C Prevent it from becoming human (i.e., have an abortion).
From an ethical standpoint, it is certainly not obvious that C is better than A, or even permissible given the possibility of A. What's odd is that many episodes of popular TV shows hinge on the theme that A is much worse than B. Young mothers who can't separate from their newborn babies are presented as heroic, and those who can are portrayed as monsters. If I were an intellectual, I might speculate that this is an expression of our national guilt over abortion. It's only by making A look really, really evil that those who have chosen C can feel some relief at the choice they made. It's taken for granted that B, while noble, is foolish; rather than get oneself into having to choose between the morally terrible A and the practically terrible B, it's far better to take path C. (By the way --- advice to those who chose A: don't watch any TV show involving a pregnant teenager.)
i think that all women should choos adoption over abortion because to me abortion is murder and it is wrong and every one should be aware that abortion is killing a human so please choose adoption over abortion
As it happens, I agree with you (aside from some quibbles). Did something in my post make it seem as if I didn't?
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